
Goodrich Community Primary School


Admissions & School Visits


Admissions to Goodrich Primary follow the Southwark community schools criteria. This means that priority is given first of all to looked-after children, then to siblings of children who are currently attending the school, then to children with particular medical, social or psychological needs, then finally on distance from the school.

In Year Admissions

Admissions during the school year, or at the beginning of an academic year for Year 1 and above, can apply directly through the school, by completing an application using the link below.

In Year Application

Alternatively paste this link into your browser

For enrolment in any year group after the start of an academic year Parents/Carers must complete an application form. The school will then process the application and if there is availability will contact the Parents/Carers. Please allow up to 15 working days for a response. If a place is available Parents/Carers will be informed and the child can be enrolled at the school with immediate effect.

In the event that several applications are received at the same time and there are not enough spaces for all the applicants the following over subscription criteria will be applied in this order:

  • Children in the care of the local authority (Looked After children) or who have previously been in Local Authority care.
  • Children with siblings already attending the school, who will still be on role at the date of admission of the new pupil (Siblings refers to other children living in the family unit at the same address). This includes children who have a sibling who has been allocated a reception place, even if they have not yet started school.
  • Children with exceptional medical, educational or social needs, where it is agreed by the Local Authority and the school that these can be best met at Bessemer, supported by current written evidence from an appropriate professional.
  • Children for whom Goodrich is the closest school (measured as the crow flies from the main school gate).

 Reception September Admissions

If you are interested in joining Goodrich Primary at Reception age, you must apply through the Southwark Council procedure, putting our school as a preference.

Information regarding the Reception application process can be found on the Southwark Council website here.

Please note, if your child attends our Nursery, you must still apply for Reception through the council. Children are not automatically rolled up to Reception.

Nursery Admissions

What we offer

Goodrich offers both full time and part time Nursery places for both funded and paid places (see below for 30 hour information).

All children are eligible for 15 hours free childcare when they turn 3 years old (plus one term). If Parents/Carers wish for their child to attend Nursery full-time they must pay for the additional hours. 

As Goodrich Nursery is curriculum based, all Nursery children are required to attend at least one AM or PM session per day, which is covered by the Universal 15 Hours Free Childcare for 3 Year Olds. 


Children can join the waiting list for our nursery at any time, however they will only be considered for a place once they are aged 3 years plus one term.

Places are dependent on the current nursery cohort and the availability of spaces. If there is a space available and your child meets the required age conditions your child can start with immediate effect.

If you would like to add your child to the waiting list for a place at our Nursery you will need to complete the below application form. Once you have completed the application form, please allow up to 15 working days for a response. If you have any questions regarding the application process for Nursery please email the school office.

Nursery Application Form

 Alternatively paste this link into your browser 

 Oversubscription Criteria


If the nursery is oversubscribed the following criteria will be used to allocate places:

  • Children in the care of the local authority (Looked After children) or who have previously been in Local Authority care.
  • Children with siblings already attending the school, who will still be on role at the date of admission of the new pupil (Siblings refers to other children living in the family unit at the same address). This includes children who have a sibling who has been allocated a reception place, even if they have not yet started school.
  • Children with exceptional medical, educational or social needs, where it is agreed by the Local Authority and the school that these can be best met at Goodrich, supported by current written evidence from an appropriate professional.
  • Children for whom Goodrich is the closest nursery setting (measured as the crow flies from the main school gate).

Children who are not allocated a place in the nursery will be placed on a reserve list and may receive a place if one becomes available during the school year.


30 Hour Free Childcare Information

We have the capacity to offer the 30 free hours of nursery education to our working parents. You can check your eligibility and receive a confirmation code by following the link here: 

We will not be able to offer your child a free space in Nursery until we receive and confirm the 30-hour eligibility code.

As the government funding for this offer is for childcare and education but does not cover the supervision of the lunch break there will be a £7.00 supervision charge per day.

Southwark Admissions and Appeals Information

As a maintained Primary School our admissions and appeals process is managed by Southwark Council. Their admissions information can be found here

Southwark Admission arrangements

Southwark Admissions Contact


Telephone: 020 7525 5337


Visiting the School

We welcome parents and carers on our monthly tours of Goodrich School. The tours are led by one of our teaching staff who share their knowledge of the school and answer any questions. 

We visit classrooms and talk to children which we hope will help you get a perfect feel of our school during the working day.

Please visit the school tour page for more information.

School Tour