
Goodrich Community Primary School

Breakfast & After School Clubs

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Breakfast Club

The Goodrich Breakfast Club runs in the Upper Hall from 7:45 am-8.50 am serving toast, crumpets, cereals and juice alongside organised activities, for £5.00 a session. The Club is currently full, but you might wish to add your child's name to the waiting list. If you would like to apply for a place (for 1 to 5 days), please contact the school office.

After School Arrangements

School finishes at 3.30 pm and parents or carers should be here to meet their children then. If a child attends a club the collection time is 4.30 pm or 4.45 pm - contact the specific club leader for confirmation.

Parents wishing to arrange after-school care should contact Gumboots After School Club, a community organisation that provides childcare on the school premises with a collection service from the classes.