
Goodrich Community Primary School


Maths is taught everyday and largely follows a structure of a short mental/arithmetic starter followed by the core lesson. Lessons are grouped into units by subject.

The units and order of lessons follow the medium-term plans / schemes of learning as set out in White Rose Maths. Lessons are based on small steps to ensure full and deep understanding. 

Lessons follow the mastery structure of starting with varied fluency before moving onto to reasoning and problem-solving. When children are secure in the fluency skills studied in the lesson, they then move onto reasoning and problem-solving tasks which become progressively more challenging.

Resources (such as number lines, place value counters, dienes) are available to all pupils in any lesson where relevant and form part of the teaching. During independent work, relevant resources continue to be made available to children to choose from to support their own learning.

When children have completed the fluency part of a lesson, they work in a group of 3 to mark what they have done. This gives them the opportunity to discuss their answers and confirm their thinking, as well as improving their ability to prove their thinking.

In conjunction with following the White Rose scheme of learning, Goodrich pupils also complete practical Maths lessons based on real life situations. This prepares the pupils for the real world, encourages collaborative learning and enables mathematical conversations. Be it an architect, shopkeeper, doctor, engineer or more; everyone needs Maths!

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Maths at Goodrich

Curriculum Overview

Maths Curriculum Overview 

Home Learning Scheme

In a bid to help the children improve their mental maths skills, the children are encouraged to practise their Maths at home through Goodrich's Home Maths Rocket Scheme. The National Curriculum places a huge emphasis on children knowing their number facts and our scheme is designed to encourage the children to practise and learn them at home with your support.

The scheme involves six ‘Rocket Cards’ that are pitched at the expected standard for each year group from Year 1 through to Year 6. All children are given the Maths Rocket of the year group that they are in and the mental starters for the week's Maths lessons relate to the rocket card step they should be practising.