
Goodrich Community Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages

Subject Vision

The teaching of Mandarin develops a love of learning languages and an interest in cultures beyond our own. Participation in Mandarin lessons promotes the cultural richness in our local community, society and the world in which we live.

By choosing Mandarin, we help children to understand what it is to be a Global Citizen. We have a long-established relationship with the Confucius Institute which we believe also helps to develop an openness to other cultures, allowing the children to appreciate and celebrate differences.

The curriculum is covered through:

  • Learning phonics and intonation including using pinyin which is the Roman letter formation for Chinese characters.
  • Acquisition and rehearsal of vocabulary which is applied through conversations allows the children to complete an international standardised language test (YCT Level 1 and 2) in Mandarin.
  • Participation in cultural activities such as Kung Fu lessons and workshops around Chinese traditions and celebrations. 

Please click on the link below to see the MFL Curriculum Map.

Goodrich Modern Foreign Language Curriculum Map

The foundations of our curriculum is based from the YCT programs and Language Nut.