
Goodrich Community Primary School

Religious Education

Subject Vision

Our enriching RE curriculum helps our children throughout all the key stages to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural compass in our local community and the wider world, bringing a deep sense of community cohesion and a more sympathetic awareness of the needs of others. 

 At Goodrich Community Primary School, our Religious Education lessons are child-centred and we strive to promote rich discussions and a high level of questioning and reflection. We enable children to learn in an environment where they can develop their understanding and ask questions in a way that is respectful to others.

Teaching Religious Education is an effective way to demonstrate and model to the school community how positively different religions feed into demonstrating British Values such as tolerance and respect. 

Religious education encourages us to explore what it means to be human in a civilised society. We also learn to respect and understand how people from other faiths celebrate their faith and we learn to appreciate and understand religion, culture, similarities and differences in the wider national and international community.  

Please click on the link below to see the RE Curriculum Map.

Goodrich Religious Education Curriculum Map.