St George's Day

In assembly earlier in the week, Mrs Devlin gave KS2 the full St George’s Day Generation Game Conveyor Belt Experience to see how many Very English Things they could memorise. We had another go in Class 8 today, with impressive results, many of the children beating Mr Barnes’s admittedly modest score. We also talked about today being the anniversary of both Shakespeare’s birth and his death, how Cervantes died the same day, and how the people of Barcelona celebrate the 23rd of April with roses and books.

Posted on April 23, 2015 .

Goodrich Newsletter 13/03/15

A Trip to the Toy Museum, School Council updates and an invitation from the Parents and Carers' Cricket team so deeply evocative, one might almost fancy that they can hear the sound of leather upon willow emanating from their computer or smartphone. Read the newsletter here.

Posted on March 16, 2015 .

School Council Spring Newsletter

Class Representatives have written a newsletter so that children, parents and carers can find out what has been going on in the weekly School Council meetings and beyond. It's very readable and nicely illustrated with seasonal images - have a look here!

Posted on March 16, 2015 .