Around the World

Year 6 children who have been at school this week have independently produced, among other things, some very lively PowerPoints about other countries.

They were keen to share their work with parents and carers, so it can all be viewed here, just as it was and unedited by teachers' hands!

Algeria - Kelechi          Belgium - David          Brazil - Kardelen          Brazil - Maddy         

Canada - Eliza        Canada - Frankie          China - Christiana        France - Tiana       

Grenada - Jaden       Guyana - Marcella          Jamaica - Kymani        Senegal - Grace

Singapore - Armand          Thailand - Tyler

Posted on September 16, 2016 .

The Goodrich Allotment

After a lot of hard work, our school plot at the allotments is really starting to bear fruit, quite literally!

These young pumpkins have grown from seeds planted by Class 7 in May.

These young pumpkins have grown from seeds planted by Class 7 in May.

Our lovingly-tilled patch of Earth has yielded plants attractive to the eye and healthy for the stomach, and will be given further care and attention by Class 16 later this week.

Our lovingly-tilled patch of Earth has yielded plants attractive to the eye and healthy for the stomach, and will be given further care and attention by Class 16 later this week.

Posted on September 12, 2016 .